Thursday, April 24, 2014

How to Get Your Students to Stop Translating and Start Thinking in English?

  Hey there! How are you all? Hope everything is okay.
 Today, I will talk about one of the biggest problems that ELT teachers face. It is TRANSLATION.
Unfortunately, Turkish students don't want to think in English or they are adjusted to be given the equivalents for each English word. In the process, they make it a habit to translate everything, really everything from English to Turkish (or for other learners that have different mother tongue). In order to overcome this bad habit there is a short but effective article. As you can see above, the slogan is ''Stop translating and start thinking in English''. It is the must if you want to be a fluent user of your second language. There are some steps for teachers to apply. Once you achieve it, the rest will come automatically. You can reach it from here. I also recommend you to visit the whole site. Its name is Busy Teacher. There are lots of worksheets, articles on ESL, games, flashcards, etc. They also have a store where you can buy ESL eBooks, flashcards, bundles of different topics. Just go and explore it.
Keep thinking in English! ;)

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